Asthma Action Plans 

Every person with asthma should have an Asthma Action Plan (AAP) in writing. It should be followed every day. 


Standard Asthma Action Plan

This plan is for all adults and children with asthma.  

Directions on how to complete can be found here:  

Fostair Asthma Action Plan

This plan is for patients using the combination medication Fostair® (beclometasone and formoterol) as a maintenance and reliever therapy. 

Symbicort Dual Purpose Reliever Plan

These Asthma Action Plans are for patients using the combination medication Symbicort (budesonide and eformoterol) as a dual-purpose reliever with or without maintenance.


Asthma Care Plan for Education and Care Services

This plan is for students at school or childcare. It does not replace a standard Asthma Action Plan for use at home.