Last updated on 11/04/2020

A national survey launched by Asthma Australia today, aims to understand how Australia’s response to stopping the spread of the Coronavirus has affected people with asthma and their families.

The nation’s peak consumer body for asthma is promoting participation in the 10 minute online survey, The Asthma Australia Coronavirus and Asthma Survey, which is available at and via Asthma Australia’s Facebook page.

Asthma Australia CEO Michele Goldman encouraged people with asthma to log their experiences during this historic and unprecedented time.

“To effectively represent people with asthma, we need to first understand how people with asthma are affected during a state of change and challenge like now,” she said.

Ms Goldman said people with asthma face unique challenges including reduced access to asthma medications due to stockpiling behaviour, changes redirecting access to severe asthma treatments from lung clinics to community, and uncertainty around additional risk factors to their health.

The Asthma Australia Coronavirus and Asthma Survey is set to capture these experiences and concerns to help shape our national story and inform how we respond in the future.

One in nine people or 2.7 million people in Australian are affected by asthma.

“While the world has united against the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, Australians have been impacted in our own way and now is an opportunity to understand this across key cross-sections of our communities,” Ms Goldman added.

The survey can be accessed here.