Driving person centered approaches & influencing systems change

Asthma Australia’s Strategic Plan 2022-2024 calibrates us towards our bold goal – to halve avoidable asthma hospitalisations by 2030.

Strategic Plan 2022-2024 by Asthma Australia

It will reduce the burden of disease and improve the lives of the 1 in 9 people who live with asthma.

Our purpose – To help people breathe better so they can live freely  

Our vision – No one experiences a life restricted by asthma  

Our mission – Driving person-centred approaches & influencing systems change 

Our impact goal – to halve avoidable asthma hospitalisations by 2030 

You can download a copy of the Asthma Australia Strategic Plan 2022-2024 here.

Our 2022-2024 Strategic Goals 

ENGAGE AND EMPOWER CONSUMERS Expand insights to adapt and scale our services, achieving deeper engagement and improvements in asthma and wellbeing outcomes
PARTNER WITH COMMUNITY TO ACT ON UNMET NEEDS Understand local needs and take collaborative action to reduce the impact of asthma on communities where the unmet needs are greatest
INFLUENCE SYSTEMS CHANGE Influence priority policies, systems and service models to drive demonstrable and enduring change
BUILD CAPACITY Align our people, culture, processes and technology to deliver on our new direction
SUSTAIN AMBITIONS Increase effectiveness of revenue generation

Why this strategy is important: 

Asthma is an inflammatory condition of the airways that affects someone’s ability to breathe and can be fatal. Preventing and treating asthma in Australia has come a long way due largely to advances in research, treatment and technology. However, progress in reducing the burden of this disease has plateaued. The prevalence and impact of asthma is increasing each year, now affecting 2.7 million people.    

Asthma is a health problem that demands our attention and creativity to find a better way forward. 

Data reveals that 80% of all asthma hospitalisations and 70% of all asthma deaths are potentially avoidable. This highlights the opportunity for real progress to happen.  

As the only consumer peak body for people with asthma, Asthma Australia is well positioned to lead the work of reducing this avoidable burden and creating lasting change.   

Through our wide-reaching networks, we seek to understand and champion the voice of people with asthma. Through an evidence-based and person-centred approach, we will act intently to deliver what is needed to help people breathe better and live freely.   

This strategy gears us to work more holistically.  It is about working more systemically to lead a collective and coordinated effort to tackle asthma. 

Asthma Australia is committed to our vision that no one experiences a life restricted by asthma. 

We hope you will partner with us to drive the change that’s needed.   

Would you like to learn more?  You can arrange a meeting with Asthma Australia to discuss this strategy by emailing info@asthma.org.au