If your asthma is not under control, you may notice your symptoms on a regular basis, like coughing, breathlessness, tightness of chest and wheezing. You may even be experiencing asthma symptoms multiple times a day. The frequency of asthma symptoms should be discussed with your doctor.
Using your reliever puffer too often could be a sign of poor asthma control. If you only use a reliever to treat your asthma, you are only treating the symptoms. Talk to your doctor about using a preventer to treat the cause of your asthma. This doesn’t include using your reliever before exercise. Find out more about asthma medications.
We all want to be able to make it up a flight of stairs or play with our kids without having to catch our breath. The right treatment can help you stay in control of life and to enjoy your day-to-day activities again.
A good night’s sleep is an important part of living your healthy, normal life. Uncontrolled asthma can lead to flare-ups which keep you up at night. The right asthma treatment should help you wake up feeling rested not breathless.