How to request endorsement/letter of support
All requests are required on a short word document (1 page maximum), or PowerPoint slide deck of no more than 5 slides. Requests must be submitted 4 weeks prior to the deadline by which a response and action is required.
Download template here. The request should include:
- Project description.
- Chief investigators or project leads.
- Other peak organisations involved or who will be approached.
- How consumers will or have been involved in the research question/focus area (including how this is considered/accounted for in the budget).
- How the project aligns to one or more of the Research Strategy Priorities. Please consider carefully the explanation provided for each priority which discusses our specific interests within that priority.
- Format for endorsement/support (e.g. letter of support, email to funding body etc)
Requests should be submitted to, using the heading Proposal for AA research partnership (endorsement).
Decision making process
Requests will be reviewed by the Senior Manager of Research, Information and Evaluation, and the Research and Evaluation Coordinator. In making its decision, Asthma Australia will consider:
- The relevance of the project against our organisational and research program strategy, including our research priorities and principles
- Alignment to the full portfolio of Asthma Australia’s activities
- Our program principles and how strongly the proposals align
- Any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest
How to apply
All requests for support are required on a short word document (1 page maximum), or PowerPoint slide deck of no more than 5 slides. Requests must be submitted 4 weeks prior to the deadline by which a response and action is required.
Download template here. The request should include:
- Project description.
- Chief investigators or project leads.
- Other peak organisations involved or who will be approached.
- How consumers will or have been involved in the research question/focus area (including how this is considered/accounted for in the budget).
- How the project aligns to one or more of the Research Strategy Priorities. Please consider carefully the explanation provided for each priority which discusses our specific interests within that priority.
- The request of Asthma Australia (e.g., partnership/collaboration, translation support, consumer insights) and relevant requirements for the applications (e.g. Letter of Support).
Requests should be submitted to, using the heading Proposal for AA research partnership (in-kind).
Decision making process
Please note, Asthma Australia is not in a position to support all requests for support and may respectfully decline. Requests will be reviewed by the Senior Manager of Research, Information and Evaluation, and the Research and Evaluation Coordinator. In making its decision, Asthma Australia will consider:
- The relevance of the project against our organisational and research program strategy, including our research priorities and principles
- Alignment to the full portfolio of Asthma Australia’s activities
- Our program principles and how strongly the proposals align
- Any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest or conflicting commitments
- Budget and resourcing implications.
To maximise the impact of Asthma Australia’s limited funds, we aim to offer cash contributions to research partnerships three times a year in line with NHMRC partnership and ARC linkage, where matched funding is available. Each round, Asthma Australia will award up to three $50,000 cash contributions.
The grant amount will be awarded and remitted only when the main funding institution (NHMRC or ARC) notifies the research institute of the successful application. Cash contribution commitments from Asthma Australia will be available for 12 months once awarded, after which the applicant must reapply.
Requests for support from Asthma Australia on research partnership applications outside of these periods should refer to the “In-kind support / endorsement only” information above.
How to apply
Submit the template provided to, using the heading Proposal for AA research partnership (cash), during the periods outlined in the table above.
The request should include:
- Project description.
- Chief investigators or project leads.
- Other peak organisations involved or who will be approached.
- How consumers will or have been involved in the research question/focus area (including how this is considered/accounted for in the budget). · How the project aligns to one or more of the Research Strategy Priorities. Please consider carefully the explanation provided for each priority which discusses our specific interests within that priority.
- The request of Asthma Australia in addition to cash contribution, if relevant (e.g., letter of support, approval to include AA in application, partnership/collaboration, translation support, consumer insights).
Requests should be submitted to, using the heading Proposal for AA research partnership (cask and in-kind). The request must be completed in plain English to be considered by a consumer reviewer. Please provide a simple concise definition of key technical concepts used. We suggest you ask someone without detailed research knowledge to read the completed form, prior to submission, to check for understanding.
Decision making process Asthma Australia will award up to three $50,000 cash contributions per round. Requests will be reviewed by the Asthma Australia Research Team and consumer representative/s. In making its decision, Asthma Australia will consider:
- The relevance of the project against our organisational and research program strategy, including our research priorities and principles.
- Alignment to the full portfolio of Asthma Australia’s activities.
- Our program principles and how strongly the proposals align.
- Any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest or conflicting commitments.
- Budget and resourcing implications.