Last updated on 22/02/2024


When Julie’s son Matthew died at age 34 due to asthma in April 2013, she hoped no other family would have to go through the same experience. By championing Matty’s legacy and raising much-needed money for asthma education and research, Julie and her family hope to save others.

It all started with one question: “Do you think we could do something to honour Matty’s memory?” With that, Julie and her family started the Matty34 Legacy. 

“Matty was a keen sportsman and was very involved with the baseball community both in Bendigo and Melbourne. We raise funds for Asthma Australia & awareness of DonateLife Organ Eye & Tissue Donation. Matty’s two legacies.” 

In honour of Matty, Julie and her family started holding memorial baseball matches for Matty – one in metro Melbourne and the other in country Victoria. 

“There are approximately 80-100 players from five clubs involved in the Bendigo event now, and we have guest speakers come along on the day. I design special Matty34 jerseys and hats.” 

In addition to the baseball matches, the family host trivia nights to raise awareness for asthma, with funds raised from raffles and merchandise going directly to Asthma Australia.   

“We have had around 130 people attending the trivia nights now. It’s great fun, with mini fashion parades in the Matty34 gear.”

Julie’s attitude towards fundraising is inspiring: “$20 is better than no dollars. Every dollar counts. We put the logo on the outfits, and people ask questions about it. They ask us to tell them the story behind the merchandise, and it raises awareness and funds.”  

The fundraisers run by Julie and her family have been critical for raising awareness in their community. “The general community wasn’t aware of the seriousness of asthma. It’s not just at home, it’s in the workplace, it’s in sporting clubs, it’s in the general community. There is so much to learn about asthma.” 

“If we can save another life by championing his legacy, then that’s what we will do. We don’t want people with asthma being scared about playing sports. Do your swimming, play your activities, just make sure your asthma is managed through the skills and education that Asthma Australia provides.” 

“More than anything, we want to save another family going through what we have had to go through. I don’t want people dying from asthma.”  

Sadly, like Matthew, about 400 people die from asthma most years. Asthma Australia relies on community fundraisers to help the 2.8 million Australians living with asthma to live freely.  

To learn more about how you can honour a loved one in memory please click find out more below. 

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