Home > Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT)
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Thank you for taking some time to complete the Asthma Control Test – you will only need about 5 minutes or so to go through it.
The Asthma Control Test is a commonly used tool by healthcare providers globally and has been scientifically tested with hundreds of people with asthma.
It is also a way to help you, and your doctor determine if your asthma symptoms are well controlled.
Based on your score, your doctor can help you take appropriate action to better manage your asthma.
There are two parts to this test.
PART 1 – To be completed by yourself and the child
PART 2 – To be completed by just yourself
You have now completed the Childhood Asthma Control Test questions. Please view your child’s asthma score and score category below. When you press the submit button, we will send to the email address provided your full responses and results as well as potential next steps you can take for your child’s asthma.
NOTE: If your child’s score is 12 or less, his or her asthma may be very poorly controlled. Regardless of your child’s score, continue to talk to your healthcare provider.
There may be more you and your child’s healthcare provider could do to help control your child’s asthma symptoms.