A new Constitution was developed for Asthma Australia Ltd when several Asthma Foundations and Asthma Australia Inc merged in October 2017 to form Asthma Australia Ltd. The Constitution addressed the various interests of participating entities at the time. Some small changes were made to the Constitution in 2018, but it’s remained largely unchanged.
The merging of Asthma Foundations across Australia has allowed Asthma Australia to create a stronger, united, more efficient and effective national health body. The merger allowed Asthma Australia to consolidate and deploy its resources for a common purpose. Our organisation continues to strengthen and deliver impact to people with asthma and their carers, helping them to breathe better and live freely.
We have recognised the Constitution could benefit from a comprehensive review to better align with the evolved and more mature organisation, providing an opportunity to also improve governance rigour.
We have also considered how we engage with our members and supporters, and with these things in mind, there are a number of proposed changes to our Constitution.
These proposed changes are being provided ahead of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) (scheduled for 22 November 2024) for consideration by current Members.
Click here to view a summary of the changes.
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The proposed changes will be put to a Members vote at the AGM on 22 November 2024. To give feedback or ask questions in advance, please fill in the form below.
What’s Changing?
You will continue to retain all the benefits you currently receive as a Life Member. In addition, under the proposed Constitution you will be able to vote at an Annual General Meeting.
Your membership will move to a Subscriber Member and you will continue to receive all the benefits you currently receive. Under the proposed Constitution your membership does not allow you to vote at an Annual General Meeting ie from 2025.
You are able to vote at the 2024 Annual General Meeting as the proposed Constitution changes will not be in place yet.
As a Subscriber Member in the proposed Constitution you can become an Asthma Champion and/or a subscriber to Asthma Australia’s regular communication programs if you don’t already subscribe to these programs. We will only include you on these programs with your permission.
If you are already a Member of Asthma Australia, you will continue to be a Member and retain voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.
If you are not a Member we will contact you once the proposed Constitution is in place to invite you to apply.
If you are already a Member of Asthma Australia, you will continue to be a Member and retain voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.
If you are not a Member we will contact you once the proposed Constitution is in place to invite you to apply.
If you are already a Member of Asthma Australia, you will continue to be a Member and retain voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.
If you are not a Member we will contact you once the proposed Constitution is in place to invite you to apply.
Members of Asthma Australia are identified as those individuals who are members of the Board of Directors, Consumer Advisory Council, Professional Advisory Council, Research Advisory Committee and Life Members. Once the proposed Constitution is approved, it is the Board’s intention to invite those past Directors to apply for membership. The process to select future Members will be governed by a policy which will set out the qualification and criteria requirements to becoming a member.
There is nothing you need to do. Once the proposed Constitution is approved we will send you further communication about your membership status.