Can Essential Oils Help Relieve Asthma Symptoms? Exploring the Facts

When it comes to managing asthma, people often seek out new therapies that suit themselves and their lifestyle. Popular in aromatherapy, essential oils are often promoted by companies as having calming effects and the potential to help manage stress. But do they actually help with asthma?

Here’s what you need to know about using essential oils if you have asthma.

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts, known for their strong fragrances and use in aromatherapy. They are not “essential” for anything: your body will function just fine without them. Common oils include Eucalyptus, clove, tea tree and aromatherapy oils. However, there is little regulation over what a bottle of “essential oils” contains: there is no independent oversight of the ingredients, their concentrations, or any contaminants.

While they may smell nice, it’s important to approach essential oils with caution if you have asthma.

Do essential oils help with asthma symptoms?


There’s currently no scientific evidence to support the use of essential oils as a treatment for asthma. While some people believe that certain oils can ease breathing or help with asthma symptoms, these claims aren’t backed by clinical research and are only made by companies selling products.

In fact, for many people with asthma, strong fragrances – including essential oils—can trigger symptoms or even lead to an asthma attack. Volatile organic compounds, like those from essential oils, can irritate the airways, causing coughing, wheezing, breathlessness and chest tightness.

If you’re considering using essential oils, it’s important to speak with your doctor first. They can help you understand the potential risks and guide you on safer ways to manage your asthma.

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Possible benefits of essential oils (for general well-being)

While essential oils aren’t recommended for asthma treatment, some people believe they are helpful for general relaxation. If stress makes your asthma worse, help with relaxation may help you to reduce this trigger in your life. But your asthma may also be triggered by the scent, so its important to be aware of triggers in your home and avoid them where possible.

Using a commercial product containing tea tree or eucalyptus oils is an option for minimising dust mites in bedding – another common asthma trigger. However, washing with hot water (over 60° C) is the preferred option.

Risks and considerations

For people with asthma, essential oils can pose risks, especially when inhaled directly or used in high concentrations. Potential risks include:

  • Asthma flare-ups: Strong scents can irritate the airways, causing coughing, wheezing or breathlessness.
  • Allergic reactions: Essential oils can trigger allergic responses and skin irritation
  • Toxicity risks: Some essential oils are toxic if ingested, and even small amounts can be harmful to children and pets.

If you notice any asthma symptoms after exposure to essential oils—like coughing, chest tightness, or breathlessness—stop using them immediately and follow your Asthma Action Plan. If symptoms are severe, seek medical attention straight away. Learn more about managing asthma attacks.

Essential oils are not a substitute for asthma medicines

It’s important to remember that essential oils are not a substitute for asthma medicines.

Your preventer medicine helps control inflammation in your airways, while your reliever provides quick relief during a flare-up. Always follow your doctor’s advice and stick to your prescribed medicines.

Get the most benefit from your asthma medicines by following all the steps in our guide on devices and techniques. If you miss a step, you might miss out on some of your medicine.

When to seek medical advice

If you’re thinking about using essential oils, always discuss it with your doctor first—especially if you’ve had asthma flare-ups triggered by strong scents or chemicals before.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, seek medical help immediately:

Detailed Illustration of Common Asthma Flare-up Signs by Asthma Australia

Visual Guide to Asthma Flare-up Signs, Including Rapid Breathing by Asthma Australia

For ongoing support, your doctor can help you update your Asthma Action Plan and ensure your asthma is well-controlled.

Key takeaway: Managing asthma is all about staying informed and making safe choices. While essential oils might seem like a natural option, they can pose real risks for people with asthma.
Always prioritise your prescribed asthma medicines, follow your Asthma Action Plan and reach out to your doctor if you’re unsure.