Last updated on 26/08/2021

Six steps to improve Air Nutrition when outside

Even at low levels, traffic exhaust, dust, smoke and industrial emissions can be slowly impacting our health. Although we can’t directly control the source, we can take simple steps to reduce how much pollution we breathe in. Here’s six ways you can improve your ‘Air Nutrition’ when out and about.

  1. When exercising avoid busy or main roads thick with exhaust fumes or industrial areas. Whenever you cycle, run, walk or skate -find green spaces, back streets or places less travelled to exercise, play or commute.
  2. Recirculate your car air conditioner and close windows when driving in congested traffic or when behind diesel trucks or vehicle. If you drive through industrial, dusty or smoky areas, do the same.
  3. At school time, park and walk to the gate, or ride a bike to collect your kids. Try not to idle your car outside pick up zones where children gather, this creates concentrated pollution. If you regularly drive past a school, try to avoid it during peak times school times by taking a back street.
  4. Arrange your activities to breathe in the best air. During cooler months, some parts of Australia are exposed to smoke from woodfire heaters, but it’s less common in the middle of the day rather in the morning or evening.
  5. Identify local sources of air pollution. Some people live near industrial areas, in mining communities, near gas sites or beside bushland that burns each year. Being conscious of your local area will help you avoid exposure or navigate around it.
  6. Get alerts when air quality is poor and reduce exposure. Download the AirSmart App or bookmark your state government Air Quality Index site. If you don’t have an air quality monitor where you live, or close by, if you can see or smell smoke or dust, you’re breathing it in. Take immediate action during bushfire smoke events or dust storms by staying inside until air quality clears. If you need to move about, try wearing a P2 facemask.

To learn about air pollution and what causes it, visit this page