Research Partnership Guidelines

As part of our Research Program Strategy, we are committed to achieving impact through more than funding research projects. In our unique role as the consumer peak organisation for asthma in Australia, we are well placed to make important contributions to critical partnerships, collaborations, consortia, and alliances where these align to the priorities and principles of our Research Program Strategy, the National Asthma Research Agenda (NARA) and our broader organisational strategy. The below information provides guidance to organisations looking to partner with Asthma Australia on research.  

Why does Asthma Australia seek to partner with you on your research?  

  • Your organisation and research project bring insights and stimulate thinking at Asthma Australia about the next game changer for people with asthma.   
  • World class research ideas, approaches and results that Asthma Australia can use to help people with asthma.  
  • Recognition and acknowledgement of Asthma Australia’s role, credibility and dedication to the shared purpose of changing the lives of people with asthma.  
  • Shared intelligence, methods and connections that have the potential to enhance Asthma Australia’s consumer-facing activities.  

How can Asthma Australia support your research?  

Asthma Australia can support your research application in various ways, including but not limited to:  

  • Letters of support and endorsement of applications as the peak consumer organisation for people with asthma.   
  • Contributing the unique voice of the consumer to the project design, development, implementation, and translation through: 
  • Providing access to data and insights from people with lived experience.  
  • Engaging people with lived experience in the research program through our Consumer Advisory Council, Asthma Champion Program, or wider database/network.   
  • Providing advice about consumer-centred engagement and design mechanisms that can be used within research projects  
  • Collaborating on research funding applications where the project is strongly and clearly aligned with our strategic research and operational priorities  
  • Supporting the translation of research projects to ensure that positive findings which benefit people with asthma can find their way into policy and practice and be enduring and sustained.  
  • Cash contributions for some partnerships.  

For requests for in-kind support, endorsement or cash contribution to research partnerships please click the relevant links below.    

We also encourage you to sign up to our research database for important updates about our research program and funding opportunities.   

Requesting partnership with Asthma Australia 

All requests for support are required on a short word document (1 page maximum), and must be submitted 4 weeks prior to the deadline by which a response and action is required. 

Requests should be submitted to

The request should include: 

  • Project description. 
  • Chief investigators or project leads. 
  • Other peak organisations involved or who will be approached. 
  • How consumers will or have been involved in the research question/focus area (including how this is considered/accounted for in the budget). 
  • How the project aligns to one or more of the Research Strategy Priorities or National Asthma Research Agenda priorities. Please consider carefully the explanation provided for each priority which discusses our specific interests within that priority. 
  • The request of Asthma Australia (e.g., partnership/collaboration, translation support, consumer insights) and relevant requirements for the applications (e.g. Letter of Support). 

Download template here. 

Decision making process 

Please note, Asthma Australia is not in a position to support all requests for support and may respectfully decline.  

Requests will be reviewed by Asthma Australia’s staff. The following table broadly describes the level of support Asthma Australia can provide, depending on alignment to priorities. In making its decision, Asthma Australia will also consider budget and resourcing implications, and any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest/commitment. 





Direct alignment to specific questions in NARA AA top 5 Relates to NARA priority theme, AA top 5, but not a specific question directly Direct alignment to a question in the top ten, not AA top 5 priority Alignment to AA organisational strategic initiatives  No clear relationship to themes or questions in NARA
Cash contribution and active partnership   Only for NHMRC partnership and ARC linkage grants (matched funding) 
Collaboration (AI, partner)  Consider  Consider 
In kind contribution (promotion, dissemination)  Consider
Letter of support 



Level of support is available to request
Level of support can be considered
Level of support is not available