What’s In This Winter: Managing your winter asthma

Winter can be a really challenging time of year for people with asthma. The cold air, increase in respiratory viruses and indoor allergens can all make managing asthma harder.

We understand these challenges – that’s why we’re here to tell you all about “What’s In this Winter”! We’ve brought together the latest tips, tools and information to help you navigate asthma in winter. 


What’s IN:

  • Proactive asthma management: Using your preventer as prescribed.  
  • Updated Asthma Action Plans: Making sure your plan is current and tailored for your winter needs. 
  • Learning Asthma First Aid: Being prepared to manage asthma emergencies, both for yourself and those around you. 


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What’s THIS:

  • Mastering inhaler technique: Because effective medicine delivery is key to managing your symptoms in winter! 
  • Understanding your asthma score in the Asthma Control Questionnaire: Get an accurate reading on your asthma control so that you can adjust your management plan as needed. 

Take the Asthma Control Questionnaire


Stay Up to Date

Don’t miss out on the latest updates and tips for managing your asthma this winter. Sign up for our newsletter, onAir, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter for updates and community stories. 

Winter doesn’t have to be an awful time for people with asthma. With the right knowledge and tools, you can maintain your health and enjoy the season. Make this winter your best yet for asthma management! 

Winter Triggers

Colds and flu can be more serious for people with asthma, even if your asthma is mild or your symptoms are well-controlled by medication.

Find out more

Exercise Over Winter

Exercise can be challenging for people with asthma, but it can also have great benefits.

Find out more

Vaccinations In Winter

The most common trigger for asthma flare-ups in Australia is being sick with a respiratory infection like a cold or flu and other viruses. It is important to protect against respiratory infections by getting vaccinated.

Find out more

Support when you need it

Are you waiting to see a GP about your or your child’s asthma this winter and unsure what questions to ask? Have you seen a doctor with concerns about asthma and left feeling unsure? We can help. 

Our team of friendly Asthma Educators are available to talk one-on-one. They are trained to assist you in better understanding asthma in a way that’s both helpful and easy to understand.

Reach out and gain the confidence you need to manage asthma effectively! 

Book a call today: Click here

Call now (9am-5pm, Monday – Friday): 1800 ASTHMA (1800 278 462) 

Or email us: asthmasupport@asthma.org.au 




E-Chamber is a campaign partner of Asthma Australia and has not been involved in the development of this webpage.