‘Someone Like Me: Reducing emergency department presentations through a peer-led model of care’ – Asthma Australia
This project, funded by Wellbeing SA through their Integrated Chronic Condition Partnership grants, builds on the existing Community responses to asthma in Mid North South Australia project which ended in June 2021. This collaborative project seeks to reduce avoidable hospital presentations of people with asthma. The geographic target is the Mid-North of South Australia, focussing on Peterborough, Jamestown and Orroroo. This peer-led model of chronic disease management is aiming to improve health outcomes for people with asthma using a person with lived experience as the key element to success in an area of high need.
It utilises a person with lived experience as an Asthma Community Connector to support asthma patients as they transition between hospital emergency departments (EDs), general practitioners, respiratory health nurse, and local pharmacists, in building confidence and knowledge in managing their condition.
This partnership project brings together key stakeholders in the region, like Yorke and Northern Local Health Network and the three local hospitals, general practice and pharmacies to ensure people with respiratory issues can access the care they need.