Last updated on 22/11/2023


I have had asthma since I was a toddler and am now a mum of three kids with asthma. I was admitted to hospital in 2021 after a serious asthma attack. It caught me by surprise because the triggers and presentation of symptoms were different than usual.

At the hospital they recommended I speak to Asthma Australia and sent a referral. I spoke to the Asthma Educators at Asthma Australia and had one or two follow-up calls as well.

During those phone calls I learnt new information about asthma, medications, and asthma management. There were still things I didn’t know about asthma and things that have changed in the years I’ve had it. I wasn’t aware of all the new medications that had come onto the market in the last 30 years. It made me aware that having it your whole life doesn’t mean you necessarily know everything.

The phone calls reminded me of the importance of taking care of my own asthma, and the risk of becoming complacent with my management.

If you’ve had a condition a very long time, you tend to think you know everything there is to know about it and you can become complacent. That’s potentially why my asthma attack got to where it got to. I think that’s primarily where it was for me, realising I don’t actually know everything, and I need to look after this with as much care as someone who’s new to it. Although I find this is hard when also trying to look after three kids with asthma, as I tend to be more on top of their asthma management than my own.

After my hospitalisation and phone call with Asthma Australia, I went back to my doctor, was referred to a lung specialist, started new medication, have 6-monthly checks in with my specialist, and carry my puffer with me all the time.

I haven’t had any repeat attacks since that one in December, my asthma still isn’t perfect, but I feel like it is much more under control.

You can refer your patients over three year’s old to an Asthma Australia Educator.

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