Last updated on 13/06/2024


We’re excited to share the heartwarming story of Magnus and Angus, two amazing Year 4 students from St Anthony’s primary school in Queensland!

Angus, who lives with severe asthma and his friend Magnus wanted to raise awareness and funds for Asthma Australia. With the support of their families and school leadership team, they organised an Author’s Reading session to introduce their comic books: ‘The Origin of Silly Sausage’ and ‘The Origin of Sir Boxer Pants’. 

Magnus and Angus comic books reading

The response from the St Anthony’s community was amazing! Students and staff eagerly donated $1 or more to get their hands on these fantastic comics. With the help of a few close friends, Magnus and Angus raised an incredible $181, selling almost 100 comic books! 

A huge thank you to these inspiring kids for their efforts and to everyone who supported them.  

Their donation page is still live, so if you would like to further support their efforts, please consider donating! Every little bit goes a long way in helping us fund vital asthma research and provide people with asthma with essential resources and support.

Donate to Magnus & Angus’ page

If you’re inspired by Magnus and Angus’ story, there’s a lot of ways you too can support Asthma Australia. From Bunnings barbecues to fun runs, morning teas to free dress days, check out our fundraising page and make a difference today!

Fundraise for Asthma Australia