Health Professional Hub

At Asthma Australia, we know health professionals play a critical role in our mission to help people with asthma to live freely.

Asthma Australia is committed to supporting the delivery of best-practice, person-centred care for people with asthma. And we can’t do that without you, our healthcare professional community.

Through this hub we aim to connect you to services and support for healthcare professionals who work with people with asthma. This includes Clinical practice tools created to support you in your practice, including the ACQ5 and C-ACT tools and Asthma Action Plan, resources to support Professional Development, featuring accredited online medical education.

If you are looking for additional support for your asthma patients, you can refer them to 1800 ASTHMA, our Asthma Educator Service, or subscribe to Asthma Link, our healthcare professional e-newsletter for monthly updates on news and opinion across the asthma community.  Also available are topic-specific pages which you may find valuable for patient education, such as Smarter Oral Steroids.


Asthma Digest

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Refer to Asthma Australia

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Asthma Link – connecting healthcare professionals with news & opinion across the asthma community


ACQ5 - Asthma Control Questionnaire (12+)

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Order Patient Education Materials

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C-ACT - Childhood Asthma Control Test

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