Research Projects

TSANZ Asthma Australia Peter Van Asperen career development grant awarded to Dr Gabriela Martins Costa Gomes

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First Nations people with asthma priority setting

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Identifying Vitamin D Levels During Pregnancy And Infant Respiratory Outcomes

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Reducing the adverse impacts of food allergy on children’s respiratory health (Rachel Peters, Tamaia Dandeniya)

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Making the switch: Effective wood heater buy backs (Penny Jones)

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Honours scholarship to air out pharmacists’ roles in minimising the environmental impact of inhalers (Rabia Cameron)

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Treatable Traits shared decision-making in severe asthma: a digital decision-making toolkit (Rebecca McLoughlin)

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A new therapeutic approach to treating asthma attacks (Jackson Ng)

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A cross-sector asthma care approach to reduce hospitalisations for children with asthma (Katherine Chen)

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PhD top-up scholarships supporting our emerging asthma research (Yaqin Alziyadat)

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PhD top-up scholarships supporting our emerging asthma research (Paige Dent)

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Developing a risk profile for asthma readmission in children to allow targeted preventive management (Don Vicendese)

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A Nurse led Model of Asthma Care integrating Bilingual Community Healthcare Workers to improve outcomes in CALD communities (Lata Jayaram)

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Exploring the use of smart inhalers for improving asthma management in children (Joerg Mattes)

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A virtual asthma care model to reduce unscheduled hospital presentations (Ryan Mackle)

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Healthy-Air (Sotiris Vardoulakis and Fay Johnston)

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Community Based Care-Coordination (Nusrat Homaira)

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Improving asthma through exercise (John Upham)

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Health burden of bushfire smoke in Australia (Nicolas Borchers)

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Indigenous Asthma App (Gabrielle McCallum)

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Voice and upper airway symptoms in severe asthma (Anne Vertigan)

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Understanding asthma-related mortality in ex-prisoners (Simon Forsyth)

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Understanding asthma through drawings (Melissa Cheung)

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