Honours scholarship to air out pharmacists’ roles in minimising the environmental impact of inhalers (Rabia Cameron)
Ms Rabia Cameron, supervised by Professor Bandana Saini and Dr Philip Kwok
Ms Rabia Cameron Sydney Pharmacy School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, the University of Sydney Ms Rabia Cameron is in her 5th and final year pursuing a Bachelor of Pharmacy and Management (Honours) at the Sydney Pharmacy School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, the University of Sydney. She has a keen interest in respiratory, sleep and cardiovascular health. Recognising the widespread prevalence of these conditions in Australia, she aspires to delve into clinical management research with the aim of improving patient lives in her future career. Professor Bandana Saini Professor Bandana Saini is a registered pharmacist and Professor in Pharmacy Practice at the Sydney Pharmacy School, Faculty of Medicine and Health at The University of Sydney. She is also an affiliate and Research Leader at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research. Her area of research includes pharmacy based respiratory and sleep health services. She has held several grants, conducted pharmacy health research across international settings and supervised more than 30 higher degree research candidates to completion. Dr Philip Chi Lip Kwok Dr Philip Chi Lip Kwok is a registered pharmacist and Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Sydney Pharmacy School, Faculty of Medicine and Health at The University of Sydney. His area of expertise is in pulmonary drug delivery. In particular, he specialises in the engineering, physicochemical characterisation, and electrostatics of pharmaceutical aerosol formulations. He has collaborated with academic and industrial researchers, both locally and internationally, on formulation-focused as well as interdisciplinary projects. Project Status: In progress, commencing 2024 Grant Type: Honours scholarship |
Asthma Australia is proud to support the careers of our future asthma researchers!
This year, Ms Rabia Cameron, started her honours year at The University of Sydney with the support of Asthma Australia’s honours scholarship. In her honours project, Rabia will be exploring pharmacists’ awareness and attitudes to the environmental impact of inhalers.
About the research
Millions of inhalers are used daily by Australians living with chronic respiratory conditions. Inhaler devices use aerosol technology, dry powder formulations or soft mist generation to deliver the medication to the lungs.
Aerosol formulations (known as pressurised metered dose inhalers or pMDIs) contain ingredients that assist in the delivery of the medication to the lung but also contribute to a greenhouse gas effect. Aerosol inhalers are still the most common inhaler type used in Australia.
This project will explore the role pharmacists could play in minimising the environmental impact of inhalers used by people with asthma and other respiratory conditions.
Ms Rabia Cameron will conduct a national survey of Australian pharmacists as well as a set of focussed interviews. The survey and interview research will explore pharmacists’ awareness of the environmental impact of inhalers, their confidence to review prescribed inhalers for best ‘fit’ with the patient, and their willingness to assist in inhaler recycling services if they existed.