STAY ON TOP OF YOUR CHILD’S ASTHMA MANAGEMENT OVER THE HOLIDAYS. We know you want your child to start their…
Managing asthma over the school holidays

STAY ON TOP OF YOUR CHILD’S ASTHMA MANAGEMENT OVER THE HOLIDAYS. We know you want your child to start their…
“There was no airflow into my left lung.” Like many people with asthma, Stephanie Lanteri has had it since childhood and it always flare-ups during…
Read More… from Steph’s sudden asthma attacks left her husband ‘preparing for the worst’
It should have been an amazing Christmas for Jasmine. Jasmine and her husband Pete had just brought their newborn twins Leo and Eliza, home and…
Read More… from Asthma put Jasmine in hospital at Christmas – she felt like she was suffocating
Cold weather and the impact it can have on your asthma Can cold weather trigger asthma? For some people with…
Five easy steps to reduce your risk of asthma symptoms this winter As the temperature cools down, the number of…
Download our free Written Asthma Action Plan here We know what a deeply unsettling time it is for people living…
Read More… from Now – more than ever – you need an up-to-date Written Asthma Action Plan
The importance of using your Preventer medication It is important to take your Preventer every day as prescribed, even if you feel…
Read More… from The importance of using your preventer medication