There is no specific data as yet to suggest that people with asthma are at a higher risk of contracting the virus. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that people with asthma have a higher risk of experiencing serious illness if they get it.
One of the best things you can do to reduce your risk is to optimise your asthma control and stay healthy. This includes managing other long-term conditions and focusing on eating healthy, exercising and managing your stress.
Some sources have recommended that you stop taking “corticosteroids” during the COVID-19 epidemic. But this information is for the general population and is not directed at people with asthma who need to take corticosteroid medication to manage their condition or treat asthma flare-ups (attacks).
There is no specific data as yet to suggest that people with asthma are at a higher risk of contracting the virus. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that people with asthma have a higher risk of experiencing serious illness if they get it.
But we encourage people with asthma and their families and communities to do everything they can to protect themselves and others.
One of the best things you can do to reduce your risk is to optimise your asthma control and stay healthy. This includes managing other long-term conditions and focusing on eating healthy, exercising and managing your stress.
When it comes to managing your asthma, consider the following checklist:
Some sources have recommended that you stop taking “corticosteroids” during the COVID-19 epidemic. But this information is for the general population and is not directed at people with asthma who need to take corticosteroid medication to manage their condition or treat asthma flare-ups (attacks).
Coronavirus ee kuat kë cït kɔ̈m kɔc yïëk tuany cïtmën ë juäï ku jala tuɛnytuɛny kɔ̈ɔ̈k ë yɔ̈kyɔ̈ɔ̈k yic ku jala arööl.
COVID-19 ee tuany ë Coronavirus en kɔc juëc yïëk tuɛnytuɛny dïd ril yïc ku ke yen ee tuɛnytuɛny juëc kɔ̈ɔ̈k bɛ̈ɛ̈ï tɛ̈la kɔc tɛ̈ thööŋ yen kek peïruuth kɔ̈ɔ̈k.
Yen aŋuɔt acïn kënë ye nyuɔɔth lɔn adɛ̈ ke kɔc tuany në tuɛny Adhïɛ̈ma aa keek kɔc kek lëu bë tuaany peïruth kënë ke lac ya dɔm. Kua leŋ kënë ye nyuɔɔth lɔn adɛ̈ ke kɔc tuany tuɛny Adhïɛ̈ma keek alëu bë tuaany në Virus keek lac ya dɔm tɛ̈ ɣook keek.
Ee kënë en tɔ̈u, ɣok aa kɔc tuany Adhïɛ̈ma lɛ̈k ku kɔcken ë baai ku jala akutnhom abën bïk ya them ku bïk röt ya tiit ku jala kɔc kɔ̈ɔ̈k aya.
Kë töŋ path në käŋ yic en lëu ku ba looi ku ba rot gël ee lɔn ba nyin tïït në tuaanydun Adhïɛ̈ma bë yenyin cï juak ku ba ya rëër ke yï puɔl guöp. Yen amätic kek tuɛnytuɛny kɔ̈ɔ̈k wën ceŋ kɔc gup ku ye yï nhom tääu piny ku bɛ ya cɛm në mïïth path, ye luui käk guöp tuööc yic ku ye tuɛny dhïën ë puöu muk nhom apath.
Na le bɛ̈n ë lɔn bï yïn tuaanydun Adhïɛ̈ma muk nhom ke yï muk abëër kä nhïïm:
Det kënë yic: Kɔc tuany Adhïɛ̈ma alëu ku bïk aa lɔ tueŋ bïk wɛlken Adhïɛ̈ma ke tiit gup kek ye ke mïɛt puöu yic në tɛ̈ cït tɛ̈ cï ke gät thïn.
Aye kɔc kɔ̈k lueel ɣɔ̈n kɔ̈ɔ̈k yic alɛ̈ ye wäl cɔl "corticosteroids" cɔl akääc ë nïn COVID-19 en yääl pinynhom. Kënë en tɔ̈u wël aa ye ke lɛ̈k kuat ë raan abën ku aa cïe tɛ̈në kɔc tuany Adhïɛ̈ma ke ye ke dhil wäl Corticosteroid ya lööm ku bïk tuaanyden ya muk nhom ku ye kä dɔ̈c tuɛny Adïɛ̈ma ye nyin jɔt (dööm).
कोरोनाभाइरस भाइरसहरूको एक जात हो जसले मानिसहरूलाई सामान्य रूघाखोकी देखि अन्य श्वासप्रश्वासको संक्रमणहरूबाट बिरामी बनाउँदछ।
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that make people sick, such as common colds and other upper respiratory tract infections.
COVID 19 एक प्रकारको कोरोनाभाइरस हो जसले गर्दा धेरै व्यक्ति बिरामी हुन्छन् र अन्य कोरोनाभाइरस भन्दा बढी गम्भीर बिरामी हुन्छ।
COVID 19 is a kind of coronavirus which is causing more people to be sick and develop more serious illness than other coronaviruses.
दम भएका मानिसहरू भाइरसको संक्रमण हुने जोखिम बढी हुन्छ भनेर देखाउने अहिलेसम्म कुनै खास आंकडा छैन्। न त दम भएका व्यक्तिलाई यो भाइरसले समातेमा उनीहरूलाई गम्भीर बिरामी हुने खतरा बढ्छ भन्ने कुनै प्रमाण छ।
There is no specific data as yet to suggest that people with asthma are at a higher risk of contracting the virus. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that people with asthma have a higher risk of experiencing serious illness if they get it.
तर हामी दमको रोग भएका व्यक्तिहरू तथा उनीहरूका परिवार र समुदायलाई आफ्नो र अरूको सकेजति सुरक्षा गर्न प्रोत्साहित गर्दछौं।
But we encourage people with asthma and their families and communities to do everything they can to protect themselves and others.
तपाईंको जोखिम कम गर्न तपाईंले उपनाउन सक्ने एक उत्तम उपाय भनेको तपाईंको दमको नियन्त्रणलाई सुधार्नु हो र स्वस्थ रहनुहोस्। यसमा अन्य दीर्घकालीन रोगहरूको प्रबन्ध गर्ने र स्वस्थ खाने, व्यायाम गर्ने र तपाईंको तनावको प्रबन्ध गर्ने कुरामा ध्यान दिने हो।
One of the best things you can do to reduce your risk is to optimise your asthma control and stay healthy. This includes managing other long-term conditions and focusing on eating healthy, exercising and managing your stress.
तपाईंको दम रोगको प्रबन्ध गर्दा निम्न जाँचसूचिलाई विचार गर्नुहोस्:
When it comes to managing your asthma, consider the following checklist:
नोट: दमबाट पीडित व्यक्तिहरूले उनीहरूलाई सिफारिस गरे अनुसार उनीहरूको सास तानेर दमको रोगथाम गर्ने औषधिको प्रयोग जारी राख्नु पर्छ।
Note: People with asthma should continue to use their inhaled asthma preventer medications as prescribed.
केही स्रोतहरूले COVID-19 महामारीको समयमा "कोर्तिकोस्टेरोइद" लिन रोक्न तपाईंलाई सिफारिस गरिएको छ। तर यो जानकारी सामान्य जनमानसका लागि हो र दम भएका व्यक्तिहरू जसले उनीहरूको अवस्था व्यवस्थापन गर्न वा दमको आक्रमण (फ्लेयर-अप्स) को उपचारको लागि “कोर्तिकोस्टेरोइद” औषधि लिइरहेका व्यक्तिहरूको लागि होइन।
Some sources have recommended that you stop taking “corticosteroids” during the COVID-19 epidemic. But this information is for the general population and is not directed at people with asthma who need to take corticosteroid medication to manage their condition or treat asthma flare-ups (attacks).
Virusi vya Korona ni familia ya virusi ambavyo hufanya watu kuumwa, kama vile homa za kawaida na maambukizo mengine ya njia ya juu ya kupumua.
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that make people sick, such as common colds and other upper respiratory tract infections.
COVID-19 ni aina ya virusi vya korona ambavyo husababisha watu wengi kuwa wagonjwa na kukuza ugonjwa mbaya zaidi kuliko magonjwa mengine ya virusi vya korona.
COVID-19 is a kind of coronavirus which is causing more people to be sick and develop more serious illness than other coronaviruses.
Hakuna namba maalum bado ya kupendekeza kwamba watu walio na ugonjwa wa pumu wako katika hatari kubwa ya kupata virusi. Wala hakuna ushahidi wowote kupendekeza kwamba watu walio na pumu wana hatari kubwa ya kupata ugonjwa mbaya zaidi ikiwa wataupata.
There is no specific data as yet to suggest that people with asthma are at a higher risk of contracting the virus. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that people with asthma have a higher risk of experiencing serious illness if they get it.
Lakini tunawahimiza watu wenye ugonjwa wa pumu na familia zao na jamii kufanya kila wawezalo kujilinda wenyewe na wengine.
But we encourage people with asthma and their families and communities to do everything they can to protect themselves and others.
Mojawapo ya mambo mazuri unayoweza kufanya kupunguza hatari yako ni kuongeza udhibiti wa ugonjwa wa pumu yako na kuwa na afya nzuri. Hii ni pamoja na kusimamia hali zingine za muda mrefu na kuzingatia kula kwa afya vizuri, mazoezi na kudhibiti mafadhaiko yako.
One of the best things you can do to reduce your risk is to optimise your asthma control and stay healthy. This includes managing other long-term conditions and focusing on eating healthy, exercising and managing your stress.
Inapokuja suala la kudhibiti ugonjwa wa pumu yako, fikiria orodha ifuatayo:
When it comes to managing your asthma, consider the following checklist:
Kumbuka: Watu wenye ugonjwa wa pumu wanapaswa kuendelea kutumia dawa za kuzuia ugonjwa wa pumu kama inavyoamriwa.
Note: People with asthma should continue to use their inhaled asthma preventer medications as prescribed.
Vyanzo vingine vimependekeza kwamba uache kutumia vidonge vya pumu "corticosteroids" wakati wa janga la COVID-19. Lakini habari hii ni ya watu kwa ujumla na haielekezwi kwa watu walio na ugonjwa wa pumu ambao wanahitaji kuchukua dawa yap umu za corticosteroid kusimamia hali zao au kutibu ugonjwa wa pumu (shambulio).
Some sources have recommended that you stop taking “corticosteroids” during the COVID-19 epidemic. But this information is for the general population and is not directed at people with asthma who need to take corticosteroid medication to manage their condition or treat asthma flare-ups (attacks).
Vi rút corona là một loại thuộc họ vi rút làm cho con người bị bệnh, chẳng hạn như bệnh cảm lạnh thông thường và các bệnh nhiễm trùng đường hô hấp trên khác.
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that make people sick, such as common colds and other upper respiratory tract infections.
COVID-19 là một loại vi rút corona đang làm nhiều người bị bệnh và phát bệnh nghiêm trọng hơn các loại vi rút corona khác.
COVID-19 is a kind of coronavirus which is causing more people to be sick and develop more serious illness than other coronaviruses.
Vẫn chưa có dữ liệu cụ thể nào cho thấy những người có bệnh hen suyễn có nguy cơ nhiễm vi rút cao hơn. Cũng không có bằng chứng nào cho thấy những người có bệnh hen suyễn có nguy cơ nhiễm bệnh nghiêm trọng hơn nếu họ mắc phải bệnh này.
There is no specific data as yet to suggest that people with asthma are at a higher risk of contracting the virus. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that people with asthma have a higher risk of experiencing serious illness if they get it.
Nhưng chúng tôi khuyến cáo những người có bệnh hen suyễn và gia đình và cộng đồng của họ làm mọi thứ có thể để bảo vệ bản thân và những người khác.
But we encourage people with asthma and their families and communities to do everything they can to protect themselves and others.
Một trong những điều tốt nhất quý vị có thể làm để giảm thiểu rủi ro là kiểm soát bệnh hen suyễn của mình một cách tối ưu và giữ gìn sức khỏe. Việc này bao gồm kiểm soát những tình trạng bệnh mãn tính khác và tập trung vào việc ăn uống lành mạnh, tập thể dục và kiểm soát căng thẳng của quý vị.
One of the best things you can do to reduce your risk is to optimise your asthma control and stay healthy. This includes managing other long-term conditions and focusing on eating healthy, exercising and managing your stress.
Khi nói đến việc kiểm soát bệnh hen suyễn của quý vị, xin hãy xem xét danh sách kiểm tra sau:
When it comes to managing your asthma, consider the following checklist:
Lưu ý: Những người có bệnh hen suyễn nên tiếp tục sử dụng thuốc điều trị hen suyễn dạng ống hít theo toa.
Note: People with asthma should continue to use their inhaled asthma preventer medications as prescribed.
Một số nguồn tin đã khuyến cáo rằng quý vị nên ngừng sử dụng “corticosteroid” trong thời gian xảy ra dịch COVID-19. Nhưng thông tin này là dành cho người dân nói chung và không nhắm vào những người mắc bệnh hen suyễn cần dùng thuốc corticosteroid để kiểm soát tình trạng của họ hoặc điều trị cơn hen bùng phát (cơn).
Some sources have recommended that you stop taking “corticosteroids” during the COVID-19 epidemic. But this information is for the general population and is not directed at people with asthma who need to take corticosteroid medication to manage their condition or treat asthma flare-ups (attacks).